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Calling on the Japanese side to correct erroneous practices

Calling on the Japanese side to correct erroneous practices

Author:netwing    Time:2023-06-05    Browse:

According to the official website of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Council held a regular press conference on the morning of May 30th.
When asked about the official introduction of export control measures for semiconductor manufacturing equipment by the Japanese government, spokesperson Wang Linjie responded by saying that we have noticed that the Japanese government has officially introduced export control measures for semiconductor manufacturing equipment, which is an abuse of export control measures and seriously deviates from international economic and trade rules. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China International Chamber of Commerce strongly oppose this.
Previously, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China International Chamber of Commerce closely monitored Japan's proposed revision of the semiconductor equipment export control system. The measures officially introduced by Japan did not carefully consider the concerns expressed by various sectors of China and Japan about future uncertainty. The proposed semiconductor field involves a wide range of items, with unreasonable technical parameter settings and overly strict licensing requirements. These measures will have a significant adverse impact on China Japan's economic and trade cooperation and scientific and technological exchanges in the semiconductor field, impact the security and stability of the semiconductor industry and supply chain, and seriously damage the interests of enterprises in China and Japan.
Wang Linjie said that the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China International Chamber of Commerce have called on Japan to correct its erroneous practices and advocate for strengthening normal cooperation and development between China and Japan in the semiconductor industry, promoting win-win cooperation in the semiconductor industry between the two countries, and effectively maintaining the security and stability of the global semiconductor industry and supply chain.
The Japanese government has officially proposed export control measures for semiconductor manufacturing equipment
The International E-commerce News also followed up on this matter last week (Japan: Starting from July 23rd, restrictions will be imposed on the export of cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing equipment).
On May 23rd, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced amendments to foreign exchange laws and regulations, adding 23 categories including advanced chip manufacturing equipment to the list of export control objects. The above amendments will be implemented on July 23rd after a two month announcement period.
This plan involves 23 types, including cleaning, film-forming, heat treatment, exposure, etching, inspection, etc., including manufacturing equipment for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) related products and etching equipment for three-dimensional stacked storage components. In terms of the performance of computational logic semiconductors, they are essential equipment for manufacturing cutting-edge products with circuit linewidths of 10 to 14 nanometers or less.
Specifically, the details of the newly added semiconductor export control targets by the Japanese government include:
Cleaning equipment: a cleaning equipment for removing surface foreign objects in the semiconductor front-end process;
Film forming equipment: equipment that uses plasma to rotate wafers to form atomic level films, equipment that uses EUV photomask to accurately form silicon films and silicon compound films;
Heat treatment: a device that removes voids within a thin film through heat treatment;
Exposure: EUV coating and development equipment, protective plate (EUV mask direction) production equipment, ArF liquid immersion exposure equipment;
Etching: The most advanced etching equipment with a three-dimensional structure;
Inspection: EUV photomask detection equipment.
Chinese response
On May 23rd, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce stated in response to questions from reporters that the Japanese government has officially introduced export control measures for 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This is an abuse of export control measures and a serious deviation from free trade and international economic and trade rules. China firmly opposes this.
During the public solicitation of opinions on Japanese measures, the Chinese industry has submitted comments to the Japanese government. Several industry associations have publicly issued statements opposing Japanese measures, and some Japanese industry groups and enterprises have expressed concerns about future uncertainty in various ways. Unfortunately, the measures announced by the Japanese side have not responded to the reasonable demands of the industry, which will seriously harm the interests of enterprises in China and Japan, seriously damage the economic and trade cooperation between China and Japan, disrupt the global semiconductor industry pattern, and impact the security and stability of the industrial and supply chains.
The Japanese side should start from maintaining international economic and trade rules and Sino Japanese economic and trade cooperation, immediately correct erroneous practices, avoid relevant measures hindering the normal cooperation and development of the semiconductor industry between the two countries, and effectively maintain the stability of the global semiconductor industry chain supply chain. China will reserve the right to take measures and resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

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