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Micron Introduces EUV to Produce Next Generation DRAM Chips in Japan

Micron Introduces EUV to Produce Next Generation DRAM Chips in Japan

Author:netwing    Time:2023-05-22    Browse:

According to sources cited by foreign media, American chip manufacturer Micron is expected to receive approximately 200 billion yen (approximately 1.5 billion US dollars) in reward funds from the Japanese government. This funding will assist Micron in purchasing the latest EUV chip manufacturing equipment locally to produce its new generation DRAM chips (1-gamma nodes).
Bloomberg reported that Micron is expected to receive approximately 200 billion yen (approximately 1.5 billion US dollars) in fiscal subsidies from the Japanese government to help it produce next-generation storage chips in Japan, citing sources.
On Wednesday local time, Micron Technology announced that with the support of the Japanese government, it will invest up to 500 billion yen (approximately 3.7 billion US dollars) in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) technology in the coming years.
According to the report, the latest EUV chip manufacturing equipment has been introduced to the Micron Hiroshima factory to produce its next generation DRAM chips (1-gamma nodes).
The company said that Micron would become the first semiconductor company to introduce EUV technology into Japan for production, and added that it was expected to increase 1-gamma production in Taiwan, China and Japan from 2025.
According to International E-commerce News, the Semiconductor Assistance Act implemented last year is Japan's latest effort to improve domestic semiconductor production. For chip manufacturing companies that meet the requirements, they may receive a subsidy of "half" of equipment costs.
The Semiconductor Assistance Law, which provides subsidies for the construction of advanced semiconductor factories in Japan, and other related laws such as the "5G Law on Promoting the Development, Supply and Import of Specific High Level Information and Communication Technology Utilization Systems", will come into effect on March 1, 2022. As long as the production plan proposed by the applying enterprise meets the conditions of "continuous production for more than 10 years" and "being able to increase production in times of tight supply and demand", it will be eligible for up to half of the equipment cost subsidy.
As is well known, the development level of the semiconductor industry is an important reflection of a country's technological strength, and it is an important emerging technology and industry that major countries and regions around the world are competing to develop. Like other countries, Japan has been striving to revive its chip industry in recent years, with its global market share dropping from about 50% in the late 1980s to about 10%.
Extended reading: In addition to the US chip bill, what are the semiconductor industry policies on a global scale

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