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OPPO will terminate ZEKU's self-developed chip business

OPPO will terminate ZEKU's self-developed chip business

Author:netwing    Time:2023-05-15    Browse:

According to Sina Technology, smartphone manufacturer OPPO announced that it will terminate the business of its chip company ZEKU.
According to reports, OPPO's chip design company, Zheku Technology, sent an internal letter stating that the company has made a shareholder decision to dissolve Zheku Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (ZEKU) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and branches from May 12, 2023, and terminate all labor contracts.
The letter pointed out that for fresh graduates who have not yet joined and reported, they can choose to join other departments of OPPO or receive "N+3" compensation.
In addition, some media outlets have also revealed that OPPO's announcement of terminating Zeku's business will directly result in the layoffs of nearly 3000 employees.
According to a notice circulating online, OPPO decided to shut down its ZEKU business due to commercial considerations due to the uncertainty in the global economy and mobile phone market. At the same time, it is stated that relevant matters will be handled properly and products will continue to be produced well, continuously creating value.
However, as of now, OPPO has not publicly responded to the above news, and the authenticity of the message remains to be further verified.
According to international e-commerce information, ZEKU is a chip design company under OPPO. The product line developed and produced by ZEKU covers core application processors, short-range communication, 5G modems, RF, ISP (Image Signal Processing), and power management chips, among others.
Tianyancha Information Disclosure: ZEKU Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (ZEKU) was established in August 2019, and subsequently established Beijing and Guangdong companies. The legal representative is OPPO CTO Liu Jun. The company's business scope includes technology development in the fields of electronic technology, network technology, and information technology, as well as the design, development, production, and sales of computer software. The sales of chips, semiconductor components, instruments, and communication products are fully owned by OPPO Guangdong Mobile Communication Co., Ltd. It is reported that Shanghai is the main research and development base of Zheku.
At the beginning of its establishment, ZEKU received a lot of attention and attracted senior personnel from chip design leaders such as Qualcomm and Unigroup. Previously, OPPO had already launched self-developed chips Mariana X and Mariana Y, the former being NPU chips with a focus on computational photography capabilities. The products have been applied in multiple flagship phones under OPPO's umbrella; The latter is a Bluetooth audio SoC chip, but it has not yet been launched for commercial use.

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