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The compound growth rate of China's integrated circuit industry in the past 10 years is 19%

The compound growth rate of China's integrated circuit industry in the past 10 years is 19%

Author:netwing    Time:2022-11-09    Browse:

At a recent press conference held by the Beijing Hefei connection, Yang Xudong, Deputy Director of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that in 2021, the sales revenue of China's integrated circuit industry exceeded one trillion yuan for the first time, reaching 1045.8 billion yuan. The compound growth rate from 2012 to 2021 was 19%, which is three times the global growth rate during the same period.
In 2020, China issued several policies to promote the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry and software industry in the new era, and all policies treat domestic and foreign enterprises equally.
At the same time, in recent years, with the joint efforts of domestic and foreign enterprises, China's integrated circuit industry has achieved phased results in development, the overall level of the industrial chain has been significantly improved, product technology innovation capabilities have continued to strengthen, and the industrial environment has been continuously optimized. The industrial scale continues to grow, and the technological innovation capability of the industry is greatly enhanced.
Driven by policies and the wave of localization, many parts of the country are actively accelerating the layout of the integrated circuit industry.
Taking Anhui as an example, there are over 400 integrated circuit industry chain enterprises, and over 50 enterprises with a value of over 100 million yuan. The development has formed a relatively complete industry chain from design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, to materials, equipment, innovative research and development platforms, and talent cultivation. In 2021, the scale of the integrated circuit industry in Anhui Province exceeded 40 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan this year. According to Ke Wenbin, Deputy Director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, the total investment in ongoing and planned projects in the province exceeds 300 billion yuan.

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