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Bao'an District plans to build an Asia Pacific electronic component distribution center

Bao'an District plans to build an Asia Pacific electronic component distribution center

Author:netwing    Time:2023-03-28    Browse:

Bao'an has a strong foundation in the electronic information industry, with a gathering of leading terminal enterprises and strong downstream application traction. Integrated circuit enterprises in the area can closely follow the needs of emerging market customers such as 5G, 8K, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, Internet of Things, and cloud computing, and work together with upstream and downstream industries to quickly seize opportunities in emerging markets.
Shenzhen Bao'an District recently released the "Implementation Plan for Cultivating and Developing Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Clusters in Bao'an District (2023-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"), which clearly states that by 2025, the output value will exceed 120 billion yuan, the added value will exceed 28 billion yuan, and 5 or more enterprises with output values exceeding 2 billion yuan and 10 or more enterprises with output values exceeding 1 billion yuan will be cultivated. A group of "specialized, refined, innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises and high-quality emerging listed enterprises will emerge.
The Implementation Plan points out that currently, China attaches unprecedented importance to the integrated circuit industry, and the country continues to increase its support for the integrated circuit industry. Shenzhen is serving as the main battlefield of Guangdong Province to build the third pole of the national integrated circuit industry, creating a significant opportunity window for Bao'an to cultivate and develop semiconductor and integrated circuit industry clusters. Bao'an has a strong foundation in the electronic information industry, with a gathering of leading terminal enterprises and strong downstream application traction. Integrated circuit enterprises in the area can closely follow the needs of emerging market customers such as 5G, 8K, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, Internet of Things, and cloud computing, and work together with upstream and downstream industries to quickly seize opportunities in emerging markets.
According to the plan, by 2025, the output value of the area will exceed 120 billion yuan; The localization level of the industrial chain has been further improved, and the supporting and collaborative capabilities of the local industrial chain have been significantly enhanced; The industrial agglomeration effect is highlighted, with the construction of a district with Yanluo Advanced Manufacturing Park and Shiyan Advanced Manufacturing Park as the manufacturing core, and the design and distribution of the industrial agglomeration highland with Bao'an Central District, Dachanwan, Tiezaishan District, and Airport District as the core districts.
Six key development directions
Advanced Manufacturing: To meet the production and manufacturing needs of automotive chips, cultivate and strengthen local manufacturing enterprises, and build China's automotive chip manufacturing hub. Actively accelerate the construction of production lines for projects such as China Resources Microelectronics and Zhongtou Tianke. Support the settlement of major semiconductor and integrated circuit manufacturing projects representing new development directions, and guide state-owned industrial groups and social capital to make equity investments in the projects. Encourage the renovation and upgrading of existing integrated circuit production lines.
Third generation semiconductors: Taking the opportunity of reinvesting in the Tianke project, targeting the huge market space of third-generation semiconductors under the national "dual carbon" policy, targeting emerging application markets such as 5G communication, new energy vehicles, and intelligent terminals, vigorously introducing technologically advanced third-generation semiconductor enterprises. Guide enterprises to participate in the formulation of key technical standards, seize the industrial high ground, and enhance their market dominance and discourse power in the product market. Accelerate product validation applications, encourage enterprises to promote the use of compound semiconductor products, and enhance the competitiveness of systems and overall products.
Advanced packaging and testing: Targeting the needs of Shenzhen integrated circuit design enterprises, actively introducing the production lines of domestic leading packaging and testing enterprises, achieving local industrial chain closed-loop, shortening the R&D and manufacturing cycles of enterprises, and improving the overall efficiency of the industrial chain. Increase support and cultivation efforts for sealing and testing enterprises in the area, and support enterprises to upgrade and transform existing production line resources in line with market demand. To expand and strengthen the self owned packaging factories of integrated circuit enterprises, and guide local enterprises to achieve rapid expansion through business mergers and acquisitions, capital increase, and production expansion.
Material and equipment support: Implement a special project for independent research and development, encourage equipment and material enterprises in the area to transform and upgrade to semiconductor level packaging and testing equipment and material products, actively attract leading backbone enterprises in sub fields, and create a highland for research and development of packaging and testing equipment and materials.
High end chips: leveraging application advantages to drive technological breakthroughs, facing trillion level emerging market opportunities such as intelligent connected vehicles and smart energy, actively introducing industry leading backbone enterprises, accelerating domestic substitution and technological upgrading, and strongly supporting high-quality semiconductor enterprises in the region to pass vehicle certification and prioritize the introduction of complete machine supply chains.
Distribution Services: Actively promote the construction of an international chip port, introduce globally renowned semiconductor and electronic component agents and distributors, establish a customs, tax, financing, foreign exchange and other policy system for semiconductor and electronic component distribution and settlement, and create the most centralized, dynamic, and cost-effective semiconductor and electronic component distribution center in the Asia Pacific region. Gathering top semiconductor manufacturer application research and development centers worldwide, carrying out business such as scheme design, talent training, application research and development, exhibition and promotion, and creating a globally influential semiconductor application research and development ecosystem with highly concentrated industrial chains and efficient supply chain collaboration.
Spatial layout planning: "2+4" billion level industrial pattern
"2" refers to two major integrated circuit manufacturing parks, namely Yanluo Advanced Manufacturing Park and Shiyan Advanced Manufacturing Park. The Yanluo Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park aims at the hard core links of the manufacturing, packaging and testing, equipment, materials and other industrial chains, striving to build a world-class advanced manufacturing base for automotive semiconductors, an advanced packaging and testing base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and a high-end cluster of semiconductor equipment and materials. The Shiyan Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park aims at the third-generation semiconductor industry chain, actively introduces backbone enterprises, and creates a highland for the third-generation semiconductor power device industry agglomeration.
"4" refers to four integrated circuit design, software, and trading parks, namely Bao'an Central District, Dachan Bay, Tiezaishan District, and Airport District. These four areas focus on chip design, application research and development, and trading links, striving to create a vehicle level chip design innovation base and a global semiconductor application research and development cluster.
At the same time, the Implementation Plan proposes to implement the "semiconductor and integrated circuit industry cluster chain length system"; Increase the support of regional financial funds for the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry; Encourage and guide various financial institutions in the area to increase credit support for semiconductor and integrated circuit enterprises; Introduce a group of high-level professional talents in the field of semiconductors and integrated circuits; Supporting integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises to form regional industrial clusters and promoting a series of "hard measures" such as centralized pollution control.
In addition, according to the Implementation Plan, the overall annual output value of the integrated circuit industry in Bao'an District in 2021 is about 81.5 billion yuan, with an added value of 19.2 billion yuan. The development of various industrial chain links such as design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, equipment, and materials is relatively balanced, and the industrial ecosystem is constantly improving. The technological level of enterprises is constantly improving, especially in the field of equipment. Advanced semiconductor, Jintuo Group, Standard Spectrum Semiconductor and other electronic information manufacturing equipment enterprises are actively transitioning to semiconductor level equipment. Major projects have been implemented one after another, steadily advancing the landing of the 12 inch integrated circuit production line project in the CR Micro Bay Area, the high-end integrated circuit carrier and advanced packaging base project of Liding Semiconductor, the third-generation semiconductor project of Zhongtou Tianke Shenzhen, and the creative storage integrated circuit industry base project.
To vigorously reward or subsidize policies to promote the development of the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry
In response to the focus on the agglomeration and innovative development of the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry, Bao'an District released the "Draft Measures for Promoting the Development of the Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry in Bao'an District, Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as the" Draft for Comments ") in mid January this year, which clearly stipulates that relevant industrial units and individuals will be given certain rewards or subsidies.
It is reported that the draft for soliciting opinions is applicable to integrated circuit design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, equipment, materials, distribution enterprises, or enterprises, institutions or organizations providing related integrated circuit industry services. This measure focuses on supporting the design of high-end general-purpose chips, specialized chips, and core chips; Manufacturing of silicon-based integrated circuits; Manufacturing of high-end electronic components; Advanced packaging and testing technologies such as wafer level packaging, 3D packaging, and chiplets; Development and application of EDA tools and key IP core technologies; Advanced equipment and key component production for photolithography, etching, ion implantation, deposition, and detection equipment; And the research and industrialization of core semiconductor materials.
Enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing and packaging testing processes
According to the Draft for Comments, 10% of the fixed assets investment (excluding land price) will be given to the key semiconductor and integrated circuit projects determined by experts, and the maximum subsidy for each project will not exceed 20 million yuan.
Equipment and material project support. Vigorously cultivate and introduce semiconductor and integrated circuit equipment and material enterprises, carry out research and industrialization of core equipment, components, and key materials. For the first set of key equipment, components, and materials entering the supply chain of key integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises and receiving municipal rewards, supporting support will be provided at 20% of the municipal subsidy amount, with a maximum of 6 million yuan.
Encourage inter enterprise verification services. Encourage integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises to provide verification services for the first set of equipment and the first batch of new materials for municipal and district equipment and material enterprises. For equipment and materials that have been verified and listed in the relevant promotion catalogs of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Guangdong Province, and Shenzhen City, a maximum subsidy of 1 million yuan (for equipment) and 500000 yuan (for materials) will be given to the verification provider based on 20% of the price of the verified equipment or materials.
Drive breakthroughs in key technologies in the design process
The draft for soliciting opinions clearly encourages enterprises to carry out integrated circuit design, chip verification, and EDA tool software research and development, further promoting the formation of a complete chip manufacturing loop.
Intellectual property support: Support integrated circuit enterprises to purchase IP and EDA tools for integrated circuit research and development. For enterprises that purchase IP, purchase or lease domestically produced EDA tools and receive municipal subsidies, supporting support will be provided at 20% of the municipal subsidy amount. For those who purchase or lease other EDA tools and packaging design tool software, a subsidy of 30% of the actual expenditure will be provided, with a maximum of 1 million yuan per enterprise per year. Support enterprises to carry out chip verification. For integrated circuit enterprises conducting multi project wafer fabrication (MPW) wafer verification, a subsidy of 40% of the initial wafer fabrication cost (including IP authorization or purchase, mask fabrication, wafer fabrication cost, etc.) will be provided, with a maximum of 8 million yuan per enterprise. For enterprises that complete full mask engineering product lamination for the first time, a subsidy of 50% of the lamination cost will be provided, with a maximum of 10 million yuan per enterprise. Accelerate the research and development of EDA core technology. For enterprises engaged in the research and development of advanced process technology, next-generation intelligence, ultra-low power consumption and other integrated circuit EDA tool software, a subsidy of 20% of EDA research and development costs will be provided, with a maximum of 20 million yuan per enterprise.
Building a high-quality talent guarantee system
At the same time, the draft for soliciting opinions proposes to strengthen incentives for the core team. For newly introduced integrated circuit design enterprises with annual revenue exceeding 200 million yuan for the first time, a ratio of 2 ‰ of the portion exceeding 200 million yuan shall be applied; For newly introduced integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises with an annual industrial output value exceeding 1 billion yuan for the first time, a one-time reward of 1 ‰ of the portion exceeding 1 billion yuan will be given to the core team of the enterprise, with a maximum of 3 million yuan per enterprise.
For integrated circuit design enterprises with annual revenue exceeding 500 million yuan, 1 billion yuan, and 2 billion yuan for the first time, a ratio of 2 ‰ of the portion exceeding 500 million yuan, 1 billion yuan, and 2 billion yuan shall be applied; For integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises with annual industrial output value exceeding 2 billion yuan, 3 billion yuan, and 5 billion yuan for the first time, a one-time reward will be given to the core team of the enterprise at a ratio of 1 ‰ of the portion exceeding 2 billion yuan, 3 billion yuan, and 5 billion yuan. Each enterprise will receive a maximum reward of 3 million yuan each time, and a reward will be given once for each step up.
The intelligent connected vehicle industry strives to exceed 70 billion yuan in output value by 2025
In addition to focusing on the agglomeration and innovative development of the semiconductor and integrated circuit industries, the district has also recently introduced measures for the development of the intelligent connected vehicle industry.
In early March of this year, Baoan released the "Implementation Plan for Cultivating and Developing the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Cluster" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"), proposing that by 2025, the cultivation of Baoan's intelligent connected vehicle industry cluster will achieve significant results, striving to exceed 70 billion yuan in output value and 20 billion yuan in added value, and become the Shenzhen Intelligent Connected Vehicle Incremental Parts Innovation Manufacturing Base and the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Innovation Cluster.
The Implementation Plan proposes the development goals of Bao'an Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Cluster from three dimensions: industrial scale, innovation capability, and industrial ecology:
By 2025, we will build 1-2 specialized parks for intelligent connected vehicles, cultivate and introduce 3-5 leading components enterprises with strong innovation capabilities, obvious competitive advantages, and leading domestic and international markets, as well as a group of specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises, manufacturing industry champions, and unicorn enterprises with leading technology and market in specific fields.
By 2025, we will focus on the key application areas of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, and vehicle level automotive component testing and certification, break through a batch of core technologies for incremental components of intelligent connected vehicles, and emerge a batch of innovative products and applications for intelligent connected vehicles.
By 2025, we will strive to introduce one complete vehicle manufacturing enterprise, 2-3 leading enterprises in the automotive industry chain, establish a vehicle level automotive component testing and certification platform, and introduce a number of local standards for intelligent connected automotive components. Organize 1-2 industry summits, academic forums, and other activities annually to improve the innovation and entrepreneurship incubation environment.
Key layout of three major projects and key focus on tackling eight major areas
In terms of enhancing industrial innovation capabilities, accelerate the research and development of core technologies for automotive intelligence and networking. Supporting intelligent connected vehicle enterprises or institutions in the area to collaborate with upstream and downstream enterprises and universities in the industrial chain, focusing on perception systems, decision-making systems, and execution systems, focusing on intelligent and networked technologies such as solid-state LiDAR, millimeter wave radar, fiber optic inertial navigation, high computing power in vehicle computing platforms, vehicle grade SoC chips, wire controlled chassis, multi domain fusion central controllers, new electronic and electrical architectures, and 5G-V2X, and developing key component products that meet the requirements of front-end mass production. Promote the industrialization of high-end products related to intelligent cabins and autonomous driving. Support industry leading enterprises in the area to leverage their respective advantages, strengthen alliances, and carry out cooperation to promote the industrialization of automotive and intelligent cockpit related products such as vehicle grade LiDAR, 4D millimeter wave radar, fiber optic inertial navigation, AR-HUD, high-end autonomous driving domain controllers, and cockpit domain controllers. Encourage relevant enterprises to establish production lines for automotive grade component products in Bao'an District.
In terms of industrial scale cultivation projects, actively promote the construction of specialized parks for intelligent connected vehicles. Based on high-quality land spaces such as the Yanluo Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industrial Park in Bao'an District, a specialized intelligent connected vehicle park is established around key components such as intelligent cabins, autonomous driving sensors, automotive domain controllers, and automotive wire controlled chassis. Sort out the spatial needs of component enterprises, build a batch of standardized or customized automotive component factories, and achieve the goal of "moving in" for enterprises. Cultivate automobile parts enterprises within the zone to grow and strengthen. Support automobile parts enterprises with development potential in the region to grow and strengthen through mergers and acquisitions, production line upgrades, digital transformation, and other means, leading the high-quality development of the industry. Encourage enterprises to carry out technological transformation of production lines/units, build automated assembly and testing production lines, and improve their level of intelligent manufacturing.
In terms of industrial ecological improvement projects, implement precise investment plans. Focusing on downstream vehicle, intelligent cockpit, autonomous driving, intelligent connected vehicles, and other links, we will focus on global advantageous resources, attract large and good businesses, and promote the high-quality development of the intelligent connected vehicle industry in Bao'an District through large enterprises and projects. Targeted investment promotion is aimed at domestic vehicle manufacturing enterprises with growth potential, as well as automotive component enterprises with national and even global influence, to attract chain oriented intelligent connected vehicle related enterprises to land in Bao'an, establish production lines and research and development bases, and promote the high-quality development of the core industry chain links of intelligent connected vehicles in Bao'an District. Establish a vehicle level automotive component testing and certification platform. Promote the comprehensive opening of autonomous driving testing at the district level. In the construction and comprehensive renovation projects of roads within the district, it is planned to increase roadside intelligent and networked transportation facilities to enhance the level of intelligent traffic management. Taking advantage of the opportunity for Shenzhen to gradually open up comprehensive intelligent connected vehicle testing, we have applied to the municipal transportation authority to gradually promote the road testing and commercial operation of intelligent connected vehicles in Bao'an District, providing application scenarios for further realizing autonomous driving of intelligent connected vehicles and becoming a fertile ground for the development of the intelligent connected vehicle industry. Support the organization of high-quality events in the field of intelligent connected vehicles. Focusing on the fields of whole vehicles, intelligent cabins, autonomous driving, and vehicle road collaboration, we support well-known enterprises, universities, research institutions, and industry organizations to hold industry influential industry summits, high-end forums, and exhibitions in Bao'an District.
In addition, according to the Implementation Plan, in 2022, the added value of the intelligent connected vehicle industry in Bao'an District will be about 13.05 billion yuan, with 743 related enterprises in the field of intelligent connected vehicles. A number of leading enterprises such as Fareo, Hangsheng Electronics, Guhe Electric, and Jijia Baowei have emerged, as well as specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises, mainly involving intelligent cabins, autonomous driving domain controllers, automotive connectors, LiDAR, and other types.

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