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The scale of China's electronic components industry has exceeded 2 trillion yuan

The scale of China's electronic components industry has exceeded 2 trillion yuan

Author:damon    Time:2022-09-22    Browse:

The new generation of information technology is one of the seven strategic emerging industries determined by the State Council, and is a strategic, fundamental, and leading industry of the national economy. In the past decade (2012-2021), fields such as next-generation communication networks, the Internet of Things, triple play, new flat panel displays, high-performance integrated circuits, and high-end software represented by cloud computing have accelerated their development, bringing many exciting achievements.
On September 20th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held the ninth themed press conference on "Vigorously Developing the New Generation Information Technology Industry" in the "New Era Industrial and Information Technology Development" series, introducing the main achievements of the new generation information technology industry since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and answering questions from reporters.
The average annual growth rate of added value in the electronic information manufacturing industry is 11.6%
Qiao Yueshan, Director of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that the scale of China's electronic information manufacturing industry has reached a new level. From 2012 to 2021, the average annual growth rate of the added value of China's electronic information manufacturing industry reached 11.6%, and the operating revenue increased from 7 trillion yuan to 14.1 trillion yuan; The total profit reached 828.3 billion yuan. The business revenue of the software and information technology service industry has increased from 2.5 trillion yuan to 9.5 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 16%; The total profit in 2021 reached 1.2 trillion yuan, doubling from 2015.
Over the past decade, China's innovation capability in the new generation information technology industry has continued to improve. Qiao Yueshan pointed out that technological innovation has emerged intensively in fields such as integrated circuits, new displays, and fifth generation mobile communication, and the development pace of fields such as ultra-high definition video, virtual reality, and advanced computing has further accelerated. The innovation and iteration of products such as basic software, industrial software, and emerging platform software are constantly accelerating, and the supply capacity continues to strengthen.
The industrial structure has achieved new breakthroughs, and the supply capacity of intelligent terminal products such as mobile phones, color TVs, computers, and wearable devices has steadily increased. Multiple production lines for the world's highest generation LCD panels have been put into operation domestically, and fully flexible AMOLED panel production lines have been shipped in bulk. Innovative products such as 8K ultra high definition, narrow bezels, full screen, foldable screen, and transparent screen have been launched globally.
Qiao Yueshan also stated that software products and solutions targeting typical application scenarios in fields such as education, finance, energy, healthcare, and transportation are constantly emerging. Solid achievements have been made in the development of new products and applications such as automotive electronics, intelligent security, intelligent wearables, and intelligent health and elderly care, while application scenarios such as virtual reality and ultra high definition video have enriched the user experience.
The compound growth rate of integrated circuits in China is more than three times that of the world during the same period
China is an important global integrated circuit market. Qiao Yueshan pointed out that in recent years, with the joint efforts of domestic and foreign enterprises, the scale of China's integrated circuit industry has been continuously expanding. In 2021, the sales revenue of the domestic integrated circuit industry exceeded one trillion yuan for the first time. The compound growth rate from 2018 to 2021 was 17%, which is more than three times the global growth rate during the same period.
At the same time, the technological innovation capability of the domestic integrated circuit industry continues to enhance, and the level of chip products continues to improve, which better meets the development needs of the new generation information technology field and industry application needs.
While achieving results, the integrated circuit industry still faces problems such as weak industrial foundation and insufficient supply of high-end chips. Next, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to promote the development of integrated industries from four aspects: (1) Adhere to integrated innovation, continuously inject vitality into industrial development, promote innovative development in various links of the industrial chain, and expand and strengthen the market. (2) Adhere to market orientation, fully leverage the decisive role of market allocation of resources, and strive to create a good industrial ecosystem. (3) Adhere to policy coordination, coordinate the implementation of existing support policies, strengthen the protection and application of intellectual property rights, and continuously optimize the industrial development environment. (4) Adhere to openness and sharing, further increase openness, enhance the level and level of international cooperation, and jointly seize market development opportunities. Promote the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry.
The scale of the electronic components industry has exceeded 2 trillion yuan
When asked how to promote the development of the basic electronic components industry, Qiao Yueshan pointed out that electronic components are the cornerstone of supporting the development of the information technology industry and the key to ensuring the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain. Taking multi-layer chip ceramic capacitors (MLCC) as an example, the average usage of each smartphone exceeds 1000, and the usage of each new energy vehicle exceeds 10000.
To accelerate the high-quality development of the industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has strengthened policy guidance and coordinated the development of the electronic component industry. Qiao Yueshan emphasized that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will coordinate and utilize relevant special projects to support the research and industrialization of a number of electronic components; Support the cultivation of over 700 specialized, refined, and innovative "little giant" enterprises in the field of electronic components; At the same time, strengthen the coordinated development of the industrial chain, guide industry associations to prepare the "Electronic Component Industry System Framework Manual", and clarify the development goals of the industry; And guide relevant units to accelerate the revision of relevant national standards, support the construction of public service platforms for improving the quality, reliability, and technology of electronic components.
At present, "China has formed the world's largest production and sales scale, relatively complete categories, and basically complete industrial chain of electronic components industry system. The production of electronic components in multiple categories such as electroacoustic devices, magnetic material components, and optoelectronic cables in China ranks first in the world. The overall scale of the electronic component industry has exceeded 2 trillion yuan," said Qiao Yueshan.
Next, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to implement the Action Plan for the Development of Basic Electronic Components Industry (2021-2023) in depth, and strengthen the overall layout of the industry; Promote backbone enterprises to accelerate breakthroughs in key technologies, focusing on areas such as 5G communication and new energy, and accelerate the research and industrialization of key technologies; At the same time, promote the strengthening of cooperation between electronic components and materials, electronic specialized equipment and measuring instruments, and guide the upgrading of the basic electronic industry; And promote the construction of an international trading center for electronic components.

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