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Shenzhen will introduce a new policy for the development of semiconductors and integrated circuits

Shenzhen will introduce a new policy for the development of semiconductors and integrated circuits

Author:damon    Time:2022-10-14    Browse:

The Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission recently released the "Several Measures for Promoting High Quality Development of the Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry in Shenzhen (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Several Measures").
The "Several Measures" propose to focus on supporting the design of high-end general-purpose chips, specialized chips and core chips, compound semiconductor chips, and other chips; Manufacturing of silicon-based integrated circuits; Manufacturing of semiconductor compounds such as gallium nitride and silicon carbide; Manufacturing of high-end electronic components; Advanced packaging and testing technologies such as wafer level packaging, 3D packaging, and chiplets; Development and application of EDA tools and key IP core technologies; Advanced equipment such as lithography, etching, ion implantation, deposition, and detection equipment, as well as the production of key components, as well as the research and industrialization of core semiconductor materials.
In addition, the "Several Measures" clearly propose to comprehensively enhance the core links of the industrial chain, accelerate breakthroughs in basic support links, enhance the momentum of industrial development, and build a high-quality talent guarantee system. Specifically, the "Several Measures" comprehensively cultivate and develop the development of Shenzhen Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Group from multiple levels, and provide support from various aspects such as funding, platforms, policies, talents, and industrial parks.
1. Comprehensively enhance the core links of the industrial chain
(1) Achieve breakthroughs in core chip products. The key breakthrough is the design of high-end general-purpose chips such as CPU, GPU, DSP, FPGA, and the development of special chips such as artificial intelligence chips and edge computing chips. Taking the 5G communication industry as the driving force, we will comprehensively break through core chips such as RF front-end chips, baseband chips, and optoelectronic chips. Focusing on intelligent "terminals" and other ubiquitous IoT applications, promoting the rapid industrialization of ultra-low power dedicated chips and NB IoT chips. To carry out high-end chip research and development for enterprises purchasing IP, a maximum of 20% of the actual payment cost for IP purchase shall be provided as a subsidy, and the total annual amount of a single enterprise shall not exceed 10 million yuan. Accelerate the research and development of chips based on RISC-V and other reduced instruction set architectures. RISC-V chip design enterprises that invest more than 10 million yuan (including 10 million yuan) in research and development will receive subsidies of no more than 20% of their research and development investment, with a maximum annual subsidy of 10 million yuan. For Shenzhen enterprises selling self-developed chips with a cumulative sales amount exceeding 20 million yuan, a reward of no more than 15% of the current year's sales amount will be given, with a maximum of 10 million yuan.
(2) Strengthen support for design enterprises in film production. Actively coordinate the opening of certain production capacity for integrated circuit production lines and pilot lines supported by Shenzhen to serve the chip production needs of small and medium-sized design enterprises in Shenzhen. Support integrated circuit design enterprises to increase their efforts in new product research and development, with a focus on supporting integrated circuit design enterprises in chip and mask production. For Shenzhen enterprises that use multi project wafers for research and development, a maximum subsidy of 50% of the first round mask production cost and 70% of the direct casting cost for the product, with an annual total amount not exceeding 5 million yuan, will be given; For Shenzhen enterprises that complete the full mask engineering product lamination for the first time, a maximum subsidy of 50% for the first round mask production cost and 50% for lamination cost will be given, with an annual total amount not exceeding 7 million yuan.
(3) Enhance semiconductor manufacturing capabilities. Strengthen cooperation with integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises, plan and construct logic process and characteristic process integrated circuit production lines, and support the construction of high-end chip capacitors, inductors, resistors and other electronic component production lines. Support the settlement of major semiconductor and integrated circuit manufacturing projects representing new development directions, and encourage the renovation and upgrading of existing integrated circuit production lines.
(4) Catch up with the level of high-end packaging testing. Accelerate the research and industrialization of power devices such as MOSFET modules and high-density memory packaging technologies, with a focus on breaking through advanced packaging core technologies such as wafer level, system level, bump level, flip chip, silicon through hole, panel level fanout type, 3D, vacuum, chiplet (chip), as well as advanced wafer level testing technologies such as pulse sequence testing and IC integrated probe cards. Subsidies will be provided at 10% of the actual project investment, with a single project not exceeding 10 million yuan.
(5) Accelerate the maturity of compound semiconductors. Encourage enterprises in the fields of communication equipment, new energy vehicles, power systems, rail transit, intelligent terminals, etc. to promote the trial use of compound semiconductor products and enhance the competitiveness of system and whole machine products. For enterprises that purchase compound semiconductor products designed or manufactured in Shenzhen for an annual amount of 20 million yuan or more, a subsidy of no more than 20% of the purchase amount will be provided, with a maximum of 5 million yuan per year. Guide enterprises to participate in the formulation of key technical standards, seize the industrial high ground, and enhance their market dominance and discourse power in the product market.
2. Accelerate breakthroughs in basic support links
(6) Accelerate the research and development of EDA core technology. Promote the full process localization of EDA tool software such as analog, digital, and RF integrated circuits. Support the research and development of advanced process technology, next-generation intelligence, ultra-low power consumption and other EDA technologies. Intensify the promotion and application of domestic EDA tools, encourage enterprises and research institutions to purchase or rent domestic EDA tool software, and promote the entry of domestic EDA tools into university curriculum teaching. For enterprises or research institutions that purchase domestically produced EDA tool software, a subsidy of no more than 70% of the actual expenditure will be provided, with a maximum of 10 million yuan per year. For enterprises or research institutions that rent domestic EDA tool software, a subsidy of no more than 50% of the actual expenditure will be provided, with a maximum of 5 million yuan per year.
(7) Promote the independent control of key materials. Relying on backbone enterprises to accelerate the research and development and production of semiconductor materials such as photomasks, photoresists, polyimides, sputtering targets, high-purity chemical reagents, electronic gases, etching liquids, cleaning agents, polishing liquids, functional additives for electroplating liquids, fluorinated cooling liquids, ceramic powders, etc., subsidies will be provided at a rate not exceeding 40% of the research and development costs (including material verification and testing costs), with a maximum of 10 million yuan. Support the first batch of new materials to enter the supply chain of key integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises, and give research and development units a reward of no more than 30% of the actual total sales of products within a certain period of time, with a maximum of 20 million yuan.
(8) Breakthrough in core equipment and component matching. Encourage enterprises in our city to conduct research and development on key integrated circuit equipment and components, promote continuous research and technological breakthroughs in the integration of high-end equipment components and systems such as testing equipment, thin film deposition equipment, etching equipment, cleaning equipment, and high vacuum pumps, and support the first set of key equipment and components to enter the supply chain of key integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises. Research and development units will be rewarded with no more than 30% of the actual total sales of products within a certain period, with a maximum of 20 million yuan. Vigorously introduce leading enterprises in the field of domestic and foreign equipment and components to settle in Shenzhen, and provide a one-time settlement reward of no more than 30 million yuan.
(9) Increase support for key core technology research and development. Further enhance the core competitiveness of Shenzhen's integrated circuit industry, enhance the overall independent innovation capability of the industry, break the situation where major key core technologies are constrained by others, and provide funding for key technology research and development in key areas, priority themes, and key special projects of our city's integrated circuit industry. Guide enterprises to increase research and development investment, and provide research and development cost subsidies to Shenzhen integrated circuit enterprises that meet the conditions and carry out research and development activities. Provide rental subsidies to newly introduced integrated circuit enterprises with an investment of over 3 million yuan.
3. Enhancing the momentum of industrial development through cohesion
(10) Actively undertake national special strategic tasks. Encourage relevant units to undertake major projects, major technological breakthroughs, and key research and development plans in the field of integrated circuits carried out by ministries such as the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Science and Technology. According to the progress of national funding allocation, a maximum of 1:1 funding support will be provided, with a total amount not exceeding 30% of the total project investment. For major projects proposed by key core enterprises that can solve the bottleneck problem in the integrated circuit industry chain but have not received national funding, no more than 30% of supporting funds can be provided in stages based on the self raised capital investment of the enterprises. For those who have successfully applied for the National Industrial Innovation Center, National Manufacturing Innovation Center, and National Technology Innovation Center, 1:1 supporting support will be provided.
(11) Support enterprises to grow and strengthen. Assist enterprises in rapid development, increase market share, and continuously expand industrial scale. Shenzhen integrated circuit EDA, IP, and design enterprises with annual revenue exceeding 100 million yuan, 300 million yuan, 500 million yuan, and 1 billion yuan for the first time will be given one-time rewards of 5 million yuan, 7 million yuan, 10 million yuan, and 12 million yuan to their core teams, respectively. Shenzhen integrated circuit manufacturing, packaging and testing, key equipment and materials enterprises with annual revenue exceeding 1 billion yuan, 2 billion yuan, 5 billion yuan, and 10 billion yuan for the first time will be given one-time rewards of 5 million yuan, 7 million yuan, 10 million yuan, and 12 million yuan to their core teams, respectively.
(12) Strengthen the construction of industrial support platforms. Building public service platforms such as manufacturing innovation centers, industrial innovation centers, IC design platforms, equipment and material research and development centers, and testing and certification centers in the field of integrated circuits, relying on backbone enterprises and research institutions, and collaborating with upstream and downstream enterprises, universities, research institutes, etc. to build incubation platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises. For platforms that meet the requirements of our city's industrial layout and are recognized by the city level, subsidies will be provided at a rate not exceeding 40% of the platform construction cost, with a maximum of 30 million yuan. After the platform is completed, a subsidy of no more than 15 million yuan per year will be provided based on the operational service situation.
(13) Improve the industrial investment and financing environment. Explore the establishment of a municipal integrated circuit industry investment fund, with a focus on supporting the development of the integrated circuit industry. Supporting eligible enterprises to participate in project construction and operation through financing loans and leasing, with a maximum interest subsidy of 2.5 percentage points based on the actual loan or financing portion, and a maximum subsidy period of 5 years. Support enterprises to fully utilize multi-level capital markets such as the main board, ChiNext, and Sci Tech Innovation Board for listing and financing development, and provide subsidies of no more than 15 million yuan in stages according to the listing process. Support insurance institutions to participate in the development of the integrated circuit industry and guide insurance funds to carry out equity investment.
(14) Promote rapid growth in import and export trade. Build an information exchange and supervision platform that covers the entire customs clearance process, optimize and simplify the import and export process and procedures of integrated circuit products, establish a "whitelist" of pilot units such as integrated circuit enterprises and research institutions in this city, and facilitate customs clearance for pilot units. Establish a guide catalog for the import of key integrated circuit products. For enterprises that import production raw materials and consumables for their own use, specialized building materials for purification rooms, supporting systems, integrated circuit production equipment and spare parts listed in the catalog, and whose annual cumulative import amount exceeds 50 million yuan, a subsidy of 5% of the import amount will be provided, with a maximum of 5 million yuan per year. Strictly implement the tax preferential policies for national integrated circuit enterprises, and allow the installment payment of import value-added tax for new equipment imported for major integrated circuit projects.
(15) Support industry organizations to play a bridging role. Establish a semiconductor and integrated circuit industry alliance upstream and downstream of the joint industrial chain, continuously gather and integrate global industrial resources and forces, and enhance the overall competitiveness of Shenzhen's semiconductor and integrated circuits. Support the development of social organizations such as industry alliances and industry associations, and provide up to 5 million yuan in funding based on project selection. For recognized social organizations such as alliances and associations, a subsidy of 50% of the actual rent and property service management fee will be provided annually, with a maximum subsidy of 1 million yuan per year for three consecutive years. Rewards will be given to those who have made outstanding contributions in attracting investment.
4. Building a high-quality talent guarantee system
(16) Strengthen talent incentive and guarantee. Give full play to the regulatory role of the market, highlight the use oriented, market recognition, and market evaluation, with the main evaluation criteria of talent market value and economic contribution, establish a market-oriented incentive mechanism linked to talent market value and economic contribution, and focus on supporting the introduction and retention of frontline research and development personnel, engineering and technical backbone, and middle and senior management personnel. The maximum individual reward amount shall not exceed 5 million yuan. Provide stable support for talents engaged in basic research and core technology research and development in units listed as key integrated circuit enterprises encouraged by the state for a certain period of time. Priority will be given to talent housing quotas for key integrated circuit units recognized by the municipal industry regulatory authorities.
(17) Implement a global talent retrospective program for integrated circuits. Accelerate the targeted introduction of global high-end talents, innovation teams, and management teams from key countries (regions). Establish overseas talent introduction service agencies and green channels for overseas talent return, establish a full process service mechanism for selecting, quoting, and retaining high-level overseas integrated circuit talents, provide full process agency services, and issue "Pengcheng Excellent Talent Cards" to high-level talents. Talents can directly handle their children's enrollment, talent housing, medical care, reward and subsidy applications with the cards.
(18) The linkage between industry and academia cultivates professional talents at all levels. Vigorously leverage the role of enterprises in talent cultivation, accelerate the integration of industry and education, encourage eligible universities (including technician colleges) to cooperate with integrated circuit enterprises to jointly build high skilled talent training bases. Training base projects that meet the conditions will be given a one-time subsidy of no more than 20% of the base construction investment, up to a maximum of 20 million yuan. Strengthen the construction of majors in universities (including technician colleges), expand the enrollment scale of semiconductor majors, and focus on cultivating a group of high-level and versatile talents.
5. Building high-level characteristic industrial parks
(19) Optimize the supply of industrial space. Under the coordination of the municipal industry regulatory department, the key areas of the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry cluster are responsible for quantifying the annual industrial land and housing indicators, ensuring that the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry in the city adds or upgrades 200000 square meters of industrial land or 500000 square meters of industrial housing annually. Adopting the "capacity shortage acceptance" and "parallel approval" models, conducting pre evaluation of land use site selection in advance, synchronously reviewing project selection plans and industrial development supervision agreements, improving approval efficiency and accelerating land transfer.
(20) Increase support for the construction of characteristic parks. For characteristic industrial parks that have been recognized as newly built or renovated with existing industrial spaces, green channels will be opened in the stages of project approval, registration, and approval, along with nearby supporting infrastructure such as roads, water supply, sewage discharge, drainage, telecommunications optical cables, power supply, natural gas, and land leveling. According to actual needs, build cross regional dual circuit power supply backup facilities to meet the high-intensity and uninterrupted power supply needs of integrated circuit manufacturing enterprises.
(21) Strengthen environmental protection supporting measures. For the proposed characteristic park, a dedicated team will be formed by the municipal and district environmental protection authorities to provide one-on-one environmental professional guidance services. Improve the construction of environmental infrastructure in the park, encourage the park to increase investment in supporting solid, liquid, and gas pollutant treatment facilities, environmental monitoring, environmental risk emergency prevention and control, environmental informatization, etc. Subsidies will be provided at a rate not exceeding 50% of the construction cost, with a maximum of 20 million yuan.

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