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Key encouragement for foreign investment in basic electronic components and other fields

Key encouragement for foreign investment in basic electronic components and other fields

Author:damon    Time:2022-10-27    Browse:

In recent years, China has deepened its high-level opening-up to the outside world, accelerated the construction of a new open economic system, utilized foreign investment to maintain growth, and played a positive role in promoting healthy economic development.
In order to further expand the inflow of foreign investment, stabilize the scale of foreign investment, improve the quality of foreign investment utilization, and better leverage the use of foreign investment in promoting the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry and deeper integration into the global industrial and supply chain, with the approval of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and six other departments issued a notice on October 25 entitled "Several Policy Measures for Promoting the Expansion, Stability, and Quality of Foreign Investment with a Focus on the Manufacturing Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures").
The Measures point out that efforts should be made to implement the 2021 version of the negative list for foreign investment access, ensure the timely implementation of new opening-up measures, and transform opening-up policies into tangible foreign investment projects as soon as possible. Implement the requirements of the Foreign Investment Law and its implementation regulations, and manage areas outside the negative list of foreign investment access in accordance with the principle of consistency between domestic and foreign investment. Continue to clean up restrictive measures beyond the negative list. Foreign invested enterprises shall enjoy equal support policies for national industrial and regional development in accordance with the law and regulations, ensuring that they enjoy equal treatment in factors acquisition, qualification licensing, business operation, intellectual property protection, standard formulation, bidding, government procurement, and other aspects.
Strengthen investment services and support the development of foreign-invested enterprises
The Measures require to facilitate the entry and exit of executives, technicians and their families of multinational companies and foreign-invested enterprises on the premise of well preventing and controlling the COVID-19. Each region should make good use of the "fast track" for the exchange of Chinese and foreign personnel, and further clarify standards and procedures based on local conditions, in order to provide convenience for foreign personnel to come to China.
Give full play to the role of the State Council's Leading Group for Logistics Security, strengthen departmental collaboration and inter provincial linkage, efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and ensure smooth logistics, and promote the security and stability of the industrial and supply chains. Local governments should strengthen active communication with foreign trade enterprises and their upstream and downstream affiliated enterprises, adhere to one-to-one coordination, and ensure smooth transportation of production materials and products for foreign-invested enterprises.
Support eligible foreign-invested enterprises to list on the main board, science and technology innovation board, ChiNext board, and Beijing Stock Exchange, list on the basic and innovation layers of the New Third Board, and issue corporate credit bonds for financing. Support various financial institutions to innovate products and services under the premise of legal compliance and controllable risks, and provide high-quality financial services and financing support to eligible foreign-invested enterprises in accordance with market-oriented principles. Encourage all regions to share information on foreign-invested manufacturing enterprises and projects with policy banks, large banks, joint-stock banks and other financial institutions in accordance with the law, and regularly hold "bank enterprise docking" activities.
Implement policies such as temporarily exempting withholding income tax from direct investment by overseas investors based on profit distribution, further optimize processing procedures, and improve the convenience for enterprises to enjoy policies. Encourage local governments to provide foreign investment enterprises with the same supporting policies for profit reinvestment and new foreign investment, and strengthen the guarantee of land, energy and other factors. Various regions can introduce preferential policies for investment attraction within the scope of legal authority, encourage foreign-invested enterprises to reinvest in the manufacturing industry domestically, and reduce their investment and operating costs.
Support the import and export of foreign-invested enterprises in the manufacturing industry. Implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with high quality, encourage the construction of public service platforms in various regions, increase the promotion and training of RCEP rules for foreign-invested manufacturing enterprises, guide enterprises to familiarize themselves with and master market opening commitments and rules, and explore market opportunities. Intensify the promotion of trade facilitation policies and provide services and guidance on free trade agreements, trade clearance, export controls, trade remedies, and other aspects for foreign-invested manufacturing enterprises. III
Guiding investment direction and improving the quality of foreign investment
The Measures propose to focus on encouraging foreign investment in high-end equipment, basic components, key components, and other fields in advanced manufacturing and high-tech, in accordance with the requirements of the Outline of the 14th Five Year Plan. In the modern service industry, we will focus on encouraging foreign investment in research and development design, modern logistics, and other fields. In terms of energy conservation and environmental protection, we will focus on encouraging foreign investment in new energy, green and low-carbon key technology innovation, and demonstration applications. In terms of regional layout, policy support will be provided to the central, western, and northeastern regions in areas such as basic manufacturing, applicable technology, and people's livelihood consumption. Implement supporting policies to encourage foreign investment in the industrial directory, ensuring that eligible foreign investment projects and enterprises are fully enjoyed.
Various regions should guide foreign-funded research and development centers to make good use of the import tax policies supporting scientific and technological innovation during the 14th Five Year Plan period, further simplify the list approval process, optimize work processes, encourage foreign investment to establish research and development centers in China, and deepen scientific and technological openness and cooperation. Support foreign-invested enterprises to establish research and development, design, and other links in China, and build an industrial chain community. Encourage foreign investment to fully leverage its capital and technological advantages, deeply participate in intelligent manufacturing, and build intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories. Guide foreign investment to actively participate in the construction of national new industrialization demonstration bases and advanced manufacturing clusters. Actively introduce international innovation resources, enhance the level of opening up and cooperation in major scientific and technological infrastructure to the outside world, support foreign-invested enterprises in undertaking national scientific and technological plan projects, and introduce world-class talent teams.
Guide foreign investment to actively participate in the carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategy, implement industrial low-carbon actions and green manufacturing projects, support the development of green technologies, design green products, build green factories, build green supply chains, and create green design demonstration enterprises. Support foreign-invested enterprises to participate equally in the formulation and revision of standards related to green and low-carbon fields, and scientifically determine the energy efficiency and energy consumption quota requirements for national key products. Support foreign-invested enterprises to participate in the research and development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, and encourage foreign-invested enterprises to become "leaders" in energy efficiency, water efficiency, and other aspects.
Guide the domestic gradient transfer of foreign-invested manufacturing enterprises. Coordinate and organize activities such as "local visits of multinational corporations", with a focus on promoting the invitation of multinational corporations in the manufacturing industry to prioritize development in the central, western, and northeastern regions with good industrial development foundations. We will continue to support national level new areas and development zones in the central, western, and northeastern regions, as well as undertake industrial transfer demonstration zones, key areas for processing trade gradient transfer, and national processing trade industrial parks to better leverage the role of manufacturing investment attraction and undertake international and domestic industrial transfers.

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