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News: The first functional semiconductor made of graphene is born

News: The first functional semiconductor made of graphene is born

Author:netwing    Time:2024-01-05    Browse:

Introduction: Recently, according to research results published in the journal Nature, a research team from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States has successfully cultivated the world's first graphene semiconductor on silicon carbide wafers.

It is reported that graphene is a type of material composed of carbon atoms in the form of sp ² A two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial with a hexagonal honeycomb lattice composed of hybrid orbitals has good thermal conductivity, optical properties, and stability. Currently, graphene is mainly used in lithium batteries and coatings in China.
The long-standing problem in graphene electronics is that graphene does not have a suitable bandgap and cannot be opened and closed at the correct ratio. The latest technology has achieved bandgap, which is also a crucial step in developing graphene based electronic products.
It is reported that a research team from Georgia Institute of Technology has successfully grown single-layer epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide crystal surfaces using special furnace technology. They found that graphene formed chemical bonds with silicon carbide and exhibited significant semiconductor properties.
After experimental measurements, the mobility of their graphene semiconductor is 10 times that of silicon. This indicates that electrons move with very low resistance, which in electronics means faster calculations. Researchers say that this is like comparing driving on gravel roads to driving on highways. "It has higher efficiency, less heating amplitude, and higher speed, so electrons can move faster."
Researchers also suggest that epitaxial graphene may cause a paradigm shift in the electronic field and lead to new technologies utilizing its unique properties, allowing for the utilization of the quantum mechanical wave properties of electrons to meet the requirements of quantum computing.
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